Created in 2018 by Chandra Simmons, The LightStyle Network (LSN Chicago) is designed to intentionally incorporate Light into one’s personal brand and life.

Light is defined as: “the source of goodness and the love within us instilled by God; it is knowledge and purpose; it is intelligence and a sense of self.”

LSN Chicago has created a sense of meaning to how we engage and convey. In 2020, LSN Chicago 2.0 is now a premiere Brand & Media Consulting firm.

We are a modern, world-class team of broadcast media, sales & branding consultants here to master your image and help you communicate it to the world. We provide tools for talent to rise effectively, to live the highest leadership values by looking, speaking, and behaving in a manner that attracts visibility, respect, and influence. Our team and network can take you from awareness, to action, to successful navigation in today’s competitive business climate within media.

In our world of media, your image communication and brand are key factors in building your reputation and credibility, as this is what allows you to connect with your audiences. This is why our team works with you to discover, develop or fine-tune your brand before we connect you with our network across multi-media platforms: Television, Radio, Social & Digital




We all have a Light and sometimes it takes the right conversation and person to spark it. Once that Light is found, our team will work with you to put it on display in the best way. Join us so that you can experience a networking environment of freedom where the mission is to unify and inspire.



As a member of The LightStyle Network, you will prosper within, but also in the community and professionally as you deepen and cultivate friendships, gain insights across industries and receive guidance in business. We honor your light by welcoming you to the movement of mindfulness and conscious living through our focus on self-care and personal image.



Our goal is to create a culture that allows you to collaborate and progress as inspired citizens of the world who move with purpose and intention.


“It is only those that live intentionally that can accomplish and come to the significance meant for them.” 

-Sunday Adelaja

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